User Access Management Basics

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User Access Management Basics

Learn why Top Industry Analysts consistently name Okta and Auth0 as the Identity Leader Updated: 08/22/2024 - 3:29 Time to read: 12 minutes

User access management controls user permissions and privileges that grant or deny access to digital tools and online resources within a system or organization.

What is user access management?

UAM is a component of Identity and Access Management (IAM) and is essential to modern IT infrastructure. Once a user’s Identity is verified through authentication, UAM systems administer access to the right tools at the right time based on pre-determined factors for individuals or groups. For businesses, this usually includes controls around access to internal or external applications, user permissions, and security requirements.

In the analog world, you could compare the function of user access management to that of security at a university. Just as security staff check IDs at the entrance to verify a person’s Identity, their roles — such as student, professor, or administrative professional — determine what resources and areas they can access on campus and when they can access them. For example, a faculty lounge would not allow student access and may be off-limits to anyone but building management professionals on weekends. UAM ensures that only authorized users can access necessary resources, and only as needed.

Today, challenges can arise as companies grow, and employees with varying roles and responsibilities increasingly use external enterprise solutions to do their jobs. An IAM solution helps govern this by seamlessly managing user identities and access all in one place.

Boosting efficiency and security with UAM

User access control ensures organizational security and efficiency by granting appropriate access levels based on users' roles and responsibilities. This minimizes the danger of unauthorized access or data breaches while streamlining user onboarding, offboarding, and permissions management processes for smoother operations.

By enforcing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for user access management, organizations can strengthen their security posture and improve operational performance while maintaining privacy, integrity, and availability of critical assets.

Through UAM, IT teams can:

UAM and Zero Trust

All digital enterprises need to secure their networks and data from increasingly sophisticated cyberthreats. Traditional perimeter-based security models have become outdated as remote work, cloud adoption, and advanced hacking techniques increase. Zero Trust provides a comprehensive security approach for safeguarding data and resources in user access workflows.

The Zero Trust Security Model:

How Zero Trust enhances user access management

Organizations can bolster their security posture by integrating Zero Trust principles with various types of access control by implementing these essential practices:

Identifying and protecting high-value data

Methods to classify critical assets:

Implementing access controls to protect sensitive information

IT and security teams can ensure that only authorized users access sensitive data by combining data protection methods and enacting tight controls.

Strategies that enhance security include:

The crucial role of strong password policies and MFA

Best practices for enforcing strong password policies

Effective user access management unifies systems to address the challenges of fragmented Identity stores, siloed security tools, and an over-reliance on passwords. According to Gartner , while strong password policies are still necessary, they cannot mitigate all password-related threats. IAM best practices involve streamlining the process of password policy creation, review, and revision. Password policies should be practical to implement and meet applicable regulatory and audit requirements without disrupting UX.

Beyond solid password policies, IT and security teams must tackle issues like standing privileged credentials, orphaned or overprivileged accounts, and manual configuration errors that can leave organizations vulnerable to Identity-related attacks and audit failures. Consolidating Identity management systems and implementing centralized access controls can provide greater visibility and control over who has access to sensitive data and systems.

While passwords are still common in Customer Identity use cases, the push to Passkeys has helped strengthen security. Passkeys deliver a simpler and more secure alternative to traditional passwords for signing into consumer apps and websites. By using biometric data or device PINs, passkeys provide a seamless UX while reducing the risk of online attacks like phishing. However, they are not a best practice for workforce security.

How MFA strengthens user access security

MFA adds a level of protection beyond passwords, enhancing user access security. It grants access only after users provide two or more forms of identification, often combining something they know (like a password) with something they have (like a smartphone) or something they are (like a fingerprint). MFA can minimize the likelihood of unauthorized access even when a user's password has been exposed or stolen.

MFA can be implemented using various methods:

Phishing-resistant MFA in user access management

With the increasing complexity and sophistication of cyberthreats, conventional MFA methods, such as SMS or one-time passwords (OTP), have become susceptible to highly targeted and elaborate phishing attempts. These attacks can devastate organizations with lost productivity, bad publicity, penalties, legal costs, ransom demands, loss of consumer trust, and erosion of brand value.

Organizations should invest in phishing-resistant MFA solutions that enhance security without compromising UX and employ authenticators that are resistant to social engineering, including:

By implementing phishing-resistant MFA, organizations can:

Automating user access management workflows

Automated UAM workflows increase efficiency, reduce human error, and improve security by streamlining processes and minimizing manual intervention.

Examples of automated workflows:

Least privilege and just-in-time (JIT) access

The principle of least privilege (POLP) reduces security risks associated with excessive or unnecessary access rights. By granting users only the minimum access required to perform their jobs, organizations can mitigate the potential impact of compromised accounts, insider threats, and data breaches.

JIT extends the concept of least privilege by adding predetermined time limits to resource access. These controls include:

Leveraging role-based and attribute-based access control

RBAC assigns access rights based on predefined roles and responsibilities so that users can access resources necessary for their job functions. Attribute-based access control (ABAC) grants access based on user attributes, resource attributes, and environmental conditions, enabling fine-grained access control decisions. A hybrid approach creates a more flexible, scalable, and dynamic access management system. Combining RBAC and ABAC makes it easier for IT teams to manage access policies across large and complex organizations and reduces administrative overhead.

Methods to automate user access provisioning and deprovisioning:

Auditing for compliance and security

Regular audits ensure ongoing UAM security and compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

Strategies for effective auditing and log management:

Integrating UAM with existing IT infrastructure

Combining user access management systems with existing applications and frameworks can present challenges, including:

To overcome these challenges, organizations can adopt strategies, including:

How IT teams can leverage API integrations

Seamless security workflows:

Supporting a distributed workforce

Modern organizations must secure their workforce regardless of location. IT teams are now responsible for supporting all devices while enforcing consistent, comprehensive, and compliant security access controls at scale. For operational efficiency, integrated user access management solutions that don’t involve multiple vendors and platforms are essential.

How UAM streamlines device security:

Future trends in user access management

As technology evolves, organizations must anticipate the impact of emerging technologies on UAM and proactively adjust their strategies to maximize security and improve UX. Growing trends include:

Automate user access with Okta

Protect, fine-tune, and monitor user access with the power of automation.