Do you feel like you could benefit from the services Roosevelt Warm Springs has to offer? Read on about how to apply and eligibility requirements.
Referrals for RWS programs and services are completed and submitted by the student’s local Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor. If the student does not currently receive support from VR, they must have an application completed on their behalf. To access VR services, the following steps must be taken: School representative can refer student to their regional VR office. Some school districts have agreements with their local VR office, allowing VR School Transition Counselors access to identified students while they are still in school. These Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselors collaborate with the school personnel and student in completing the application for the student to receive VR support.
Schools without these agreements may refer students to their local VR Unit and invite an Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor to the schools to meet with the students to complete this process. The Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor: Receives the student’s VR application through the school’s referral;
Determines the eligibility of the student and whether they meet the criteria for VR services;
If eligible, completes a Needs Assessment to determine:
Student’s impediments to employment;
Student’s individualized plan of services that will support the student’s development towards employability; and
Submits referrals for the appropriate services, including RWS if deemed appropriate. Service Provider (ex. RWS): Receives student’s application from Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor;
Determines eligibility for services, based on that specific program’s admission criteria; and
If eligible, approves student for services. Application Process Steps to take to pursue admission to Roosevelt Warm Springs Vocational Services: If candidate is not receiving services from VR, this application must be completed and submitted to their local Vocational Rehabilitation office. RWS VR program is a service provider for VR services and candidate must qualify for VR Services to qualify for RWS admission.
If the candidate’s Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor agrees that RWS is the best training option, the Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor will complete and submit a referral for RWS services. Program candidates should not send documents to RWS directly unless directed to by the RWS Admissions Office. All required documentation should be sent to RWS by the candidate’s Vocational Rehabilitation Field Counselor.
The unique RWS Discovery Program is a 5 - Day assessment that identifies the students strengths, interest and vocational rehabilitation needs. During the week long assessment, students participate in group sessions and activities that define Discovery philosophies and methods. Each student is provided the opportunity to participate in on-campus and off-campus activities that help them learn about themselves and identify their strengths. Students are introduced to setting SMART goals that are “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound”. They experience living with a roommate, exploring the occupations and training opportunities with other group members. At the end of the week, each student develops a presentation that combines all the things they have learned about themselves during the week including their contributions to the workplace, their interests and conditions they need for success. Students are an active participant in their “Wrap-Up Meeting” to finalize their week on campus. A written profile report is generated to share with the student and their referring VR field counselor.
Transition from high school can be a challenging experience for any student, but particularly for those with disabilities. Research has shown that the earlier a student is exposed to goal setting and self-determination the more likely that they will set goals that actually lead to post-high school success. Roosevelt Warm Springs offers two services to help students plan for assessment and includes Navigating Transition for high school juniors and Work Evaluation for high school seniors. Navigating Transition Area high school students in their junior year can participate in Navigating Transition on the Warm Springs campus to assist in planning for the future. This one-day program assists juniors in identifying their unique areas of strength, interests and the unique contributions they will bring to the workplace. Using a variety of RWS Discovery techniques and activities, as well as personal style assessment, students will explore themselves in a strengths based approach. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about the programs and services available at Roosevelt Warm Springs. Referrals can be made by the student’s High School teachers. Work Evaluation A ten (10) day Work Evaluation program for area high school seniors is available on the Warm Springs campus. The program is designed to measure the worker readiness of each participant through assessment, hands-on activities and work experience. Students are also introduced to the programs and services available at Roosevelt Warm Springs. Referrals can be made by the student’s VR Counselor.