Advance Directives

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Health Care Directives

It is natural for older adults to put-off thinking about what would happen if we lost the ability to make our own decisions. The irony is that people who have completed advance directives report that it is empowering to exercise their rights over medical care, and it provides peace-of-mind.

The Minnesota Board on Aging strongly encourages all adult Minnesotans to formalize their health care and end-of-life wishes. There are numerous benefits to completing this work before a crisis, such as stopping unwanted medical treatments, and the opportunity to think about and change the documents as your situation evolves.

How to write Health Care Directives

Questions and answers about Health Care Directives from the Minnesota Department of Health is a place to start. The Minnesota Health Care Directive Planning Toolkit and Healthcare Directive forms an educational materials from Light the Legacy, offer extensive help. A suggested Health Care Directive Form is available from the Minnesota Attorney General.

Common Terms