What Are The Land Surveys Symbols and Abbreviations?

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What Are The Land Surveys Symbols and Abbreviations?

A land survey is a detailed record of your property. A surveyor will take document the features, lay of the land, dimensions of the property, and the natural boundaries. All of this information is drawn into a two-dimensional map. However, to create this map, the surveyor will mark the property with stakes, flags, and steel rods for varying purposes. These items will be marked with a wide variety of symbols and acronyms. This guide will help you understand the symbols and terms of the land surveyor.

Common Surveyor Symbols

Surveyor flags and tape

Surveyor flags (sometimes referred to as streamers) and tape are attached to trees, fences, or a stake placed by the survey. Sometimes these flags and tape will have colors and symbols that explain what the surveyor found in that spot. Other times, these markings may lack symbolism, which could mean it could be part of a path or a proposed work site.

Control Points

Similar to surveyor flags, a control point is a place on the property that the surveyor does not want to be disturbed. Frequently the area will be surrounded by a perimeter line using stakes and tape. In some cases, the metal pins will be used in place of wood stakes.

Limit of Disturbance

Using special stakes and markings, the surveyor will mark the limit of disturbance. This is either the edge of the property or a section of the property that cannon be disturbed. The edge of the property, especially the corners, is usually marked using a boundary survey monument or a steel rod.

Control Point

Common Abbreviations

Surveyor Terms

Surveyor Slang Terms

Final Thoughts

As with any industry, the vocabulary and technical tools of a land surveyor can be complicated and confusing. A combination of technical terms, slang, acronyms, abbreviations, and colored flags and tape mark the stakes and rods used by the surveyors. After reading this list, you now understand the most common terms and symbols used by surveyors.